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Latest releases

0.10 - Jun 27th, 2024

0.9 - Feb 16th, 2024

0.8 - Oct 19th, 2023

0.7 - Nov 8th, 2022

Version 0.10

Last updated on Jun 27th, 2024

0.10.10 - Jun 27th, 2024

PATCH UPDATE - Game Maker 0.10.10

A short patch for the Game Maker!

We are here to patch up a few issues for the Game Maker for your convenience! 

Bug Fixes 🐞

  • Audio: Some audios were being cut unexpectedly so with a little bit of tweaking we fixed that.
  • VFX: Canceling the ‘Quit Game’ pop up was disabling the VFXs, that no longer happens.
  • Anti-Cheating: Lots of new event additions to better track the player within an experience.
  • Replace Asset: There was an unexpected crash when using the Replace Asset tool on the Avatar Spawner.
  • Regular optimizations in terms of exceptions and opening experiences.

Without further ado, we will leave you to create awesome experiences and games! 

Have fun!

0.10.9 - May 29th, 2024

0.10.8 - May 16th, 2024

0.10.6 - Apr 17th, 2024

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