Air Yacht
by SandstormMeet
1002 민팅됨
"There is no need to choose between flying through the skies or exploring vast seas. You can have it all with the luxurious and eco-friendly air yacht. Solar energy pumps hot air into the balloon. While on the water, the balloon deflates, transforming into a sail. Watch the stars from the upper terrace, or voyage through the coral reef while sitting comfortably in the glazed chill area inside the ship. Hop in and sail through the clouds! -Created by hallugram"카테고리
Vehicles > Airship
토큰 ID
가격 | 구입 가능 | 판매 종료까지 | 목록 작성자: | |||
63.00 SAND
| 1 | @hallugra... |
Air Yacht
by SandstormMeet
1002 민팅됨