VoxEdit Changelog

新版本 - 2024年3月13日

Patch Release


- 保存工作空間設備:修復了「另存為」導致空文件夾的問題。

- 工作空間中的「在VoxEdit中打開」:解決了設備模板缺少VXM人體模型的問題。

- 節點限制警告:修正了視口節點限制警告。

- 旋轉/體積編輯確認:為旋轉或體積編輯添加了成功彈窗。




新版本 - 2023年12月18日


- 調色板面板增強功能:調色板面板現在支持多選、拖放、屏幕顏色選擇器和漸變創建工具。這種增強帶來了更有效的顏色管理,並擴展了創造性可能性。

- 書籤管理:現在你可以通過新的書籤管理功能更有效地組織和訪問你的項目。

- 視口背景顏色切換:我們增加了一個功能,在視口中切換背景顏色,為更舒適和可定制的工作空間環境。


- 設備節點和面數:設備模板已更新,只顯示設備資產的節點和面數,更準確地顯示重要信息。

- 視口網格增強:在視口的所有視圖立方體平面中添加了正交網格,提供更好的比例參考並幫助空間定位。

- 擴展建模器鏡面:建模器中的鏡面現在超出體積邊界,為建模和紋理活動提供了更清晰的參考。

- 創建/擦除快速切換:使用“springloaded” SHFT 快捷鍵在創建和擦除工具之間無縫切換,提高建模速度。

- 相機軌道點:軌道點跟隨您的資產在場景中移動。






新版本-2023年10月25日 - Beta 55645b7e


- VoxEdit 新增語言:德語。

- 小修復

最新發佈 - 2023 年 9 月 20 日



- 新的時間軸關鍵影格:現在,您的動畫關鍵影格也在時間軸中分組,以便從時間軸直接進行複數選擇和編輯。

- 更流暢的相機導航:您現在可以在場景中旋轉和平移,而不會受到輔助軸線或邊界框的干擾。

- 選取節點和面數:您現在可以直接在視域中看到選取了多少個節點和面。

- 用戶自訂調色板:您現在可以將您喜歡的調色板設為預設調色板。


- 資產匯出:針對遊戲匯出的紋理優化。

- 時間軸曲線選單標題:將「動畫」文字更改為「插值」。

- 時間軸上下文選單:「全部傳送」更改為「套用至全部」。

- 相機縮放快捷鍵:現在可以使用 CTRL/CMD + 右鍵拖曳來平滑縮放。

- 動畫工具:新增「取消全選」快捷鍵。 CTRL/CMD + W

- 節點和面數警告:已更新並與 VoxEdit academy 同步。

- 節點軸心點圖示:您現在可以在骨骼綁定相機模式中識別軸心點位置。

- 鍵盤快捷鍵:在骨骼面板中新增了「創建子節點」的快捷鍵。

- VoxEdit 的標準調色板:已更新並替換,請查看新模型。

- 模型素材庫:現在可以按名稱字母順序排列。


- 視圖顯示:修復了線框的顯示;現在它們被模型遮擋在後面。

- 與 MagicaVoxel 同步:修復了 VoxEdit 中大型骨架的顏色不會立即更新的問題。

- 體積渲染:修復了在正投影相機視角下體積底部和頂部的渲染。

- 體積工具:修復了當體素被修剪為1個體素無法調整的問題。

- 建模工具輔助軸線:更新為僅顯示正向軸箭頭。

- 移動工具輔助軸線大小:修復了在大型骨架上編輯模型時輔助軸線過大的問題。

- 使用編輯體積工具進行體素選擇:問題已修復。

- 體積調整器描述:新增了遺失的提示資訊。

- 體積調整器快捷鍵:新增 (V) 快捷鍵並在懸停時顯示提示。

- VXR 層次結構匯入:修復了與共享調色板衝突的問題。

- 重置攝影機位置按鈕:修復了模組之間不一致的問題。

- 節點和模型命名:恢復了在 "翻轉 X 軸" 功能中自動重新命名的功能。

- 方塊體編輯模組:修復了 "匯入" 和 "匯出" 圖示的相反問題。

- 資產截圖功能:修復了截圖會包含部分幽靈骨架的問題。

August 29, 2022 - Public Beta Release


  • Login (for Content Collab feature)
  • Animation Channels!
  • Ability to toggle between per axis and SLERP (spherical linear interpolation, i.e: what we had before) for multi axis rotations
  • Automated SLERP toggle to keep old behaviour for most animators
  • Reference frames for translation (World, Parent, Object)
  • Camera POV widget
  • Color, node name and channel filters for timeline
  • Delete Material button in Material panel
  • Append Palette in Palette header menu
  • Circle and Sphere tools for Modeler and Block Editor
  • Value dragging and arrows for Inspector transform text fields
  • Double clicking a node in the viewport now edits it's attached model
  • Floor grid toggle for Animator
  • "Solo Layer" mode for Modeler
  • Upload Popup


  • New and improved themes!
  • Tab system for Library and Inspector
  • Vertical layout for Inspector, with new/delete keyframe per channel buttons
  • Save and Save As in File menu
  • Button to remove recent file from list
  • Picker tool now works on any visible voxel, not just the active layer's ones
  • Opening a rig now sets the camera to fit
  • Camera now works better, makes it almost impossible to lock itself inside of geometry
  • Added shortcuts to Sync To/From MagicaVoxel (ctrl/cmd+m, shift+ctrl/cmd+m)
  • Added shortcut to Return to Rig from editing a model (esc)
  • Added shortcut to copy from/paste to currently focused textfield (ctrl/cmd + c/v)
  • Shorter rows in Timeline
  • Better Animator floor grid
  • Updated links to Marketplace, Tutorials, Guidelines, etc
  • New Language Selector UI
  • Added Move In Plane widget for selected voxel movement
  • Selected voxel edges are now shown in new "see through" mode
  • Orthographic camera is better
  • In shortest editor window, Modeler toolbar changes it's layout to be in two columns
  • Voxel and node count for Animator


  • Animation max length is now 30 seconds
  • Removed Long Way Rotation (backwards compatibility kept by autoadding a middle keyframe)
  • Removed Local Transforms (backwards compatibility by adding a child node that is transformed using the original local transform and attaching the node's model to it instead)
  • GLTF is now exporting all animations for animated assets, not only the ones that have more keyframes
  • Removed Keep Position through Rotation unintuitive feature
  • Node names are now limited to 24 characters
  • New Animations now take first frame pose from the current pose
  • VoxEdit now only runs as a single instance
  • New Keyframe is disabled while playing an animation
  • Inspector IK values are no longer editable while playing an animation
  • Timeline rows are now a bit shorter
  • Removed "Scroll Layer" buttons from Modeler viewport (easier to work with the Translation widget)
  • Moving Keyframe at frame 0 now copies it


  • Syncing from MagicaVoxel now selects the correct active material
  • Fixed issues with operative system locale and Inspector transform text fields
  • Fixed scroll areas not resetting when resized
  • Attaching/detaching panels now close all modals
  • Deleting a layer now ensures that there is an active layer afterwards
  • Loop and Zoom bars are now much better behaved
  • Detached panels now enforce a min size
  • Undo and redo no longer break selected voxels in Modeler
  • Zoom to fit now shows at least 2 seconds
  • Recovered most functionality while animation is playing
  • Editor no longer crashes when stress clicking attach/detach panel buttons
  • Skeleton now trims down too long node names.
  • Save Confirmation popup trims down too long filenames
  • Text in Welcome Screen has better readability now
  • Opening a non existant recent file no longer crashes VE
  • Default theme no longer has the same color for the grid and the background in the Animator
  • Using Bucket tool in Paint or Erase mode outside of the volume in 2D views no longer crashes the editor
  • Frame tool didn't create an Undo step
  • New Keyframe will no longer add them to read only template nodes
  • Camera reset was changing the near and far planes
  • Block Editor kept old undo steps inbetween sessions
  • Screen Rect tool in Block Editor now renders rectangle on top
  • 2D views now update properly when the user cancels an action
  • Select mode with Face tool on empty space in 2D view no longer crashes the editor
  • Screen Rect tool in 2D views was mirrored on X in TOP and BOTTOM views
  • Next Keyframe button and shortcut now work properly
  • Copying/Pasting Keyframes no longer crash the editor
  • Tweaking an IK constrain was making it invisible
  • Moving Keyframes in a dettached Timeline while the animation is running no longer crashes VE
  • Moving/copying keyframes now create an undo step
  • Palette header menus are now correctly rendered for a dettached Palette panel
  • Adding/deleting layers now move the scroll properly
  • Deleting a model kept it's thumbnail in the cache
  • Opening a VXM now sets the first visible layer to be active
  • Bucket tool with SELECT/PAINT/ERASE mode wasn't working well on the RIGHT/BOTTOM/BACK bounds of the volume
  • Keyframe rect selection now works even if the left bound is behind the zero frame
  • Loading a non palette PNG as a palette no longer overwrites the first slot with a white material
  • Deleting VXMs from Library and importing/creating new ones with the same name will no longer show old thumbnail
  • Having a different decimal separator than "." set in the OS's regional settings no longer crashes VE
  • Creating decorative nodes for assets made based on decorable templates no longer crashes VE
  • Load Palette from a dettached Palette panel no longer crashes VE
  • Screen Rect tool now works properly in 2D views
  • Dragging/copying a KF on top of another now overwrites it properly

November 11th, 2021 - Public Beta Release


  • This long requested feature is now available for MacOS users too


  • Panel now allows for layer reordering via drag n drop
  • We now support 16 layers (might get a bit slow for large volumes in low-end hardware)
  • Palette panel can now be collapsed to make room for a larger Layers panel


  • IK bones visibility in Rigger (only visible with IK enabled)
  • Depth view toggle in Modeler's 2D views


  • It clears ALL of the editor's configuration to default settings, fixing possible issues with retro compatibility or monitors being plugged in/out between sessions.


  • New MacOS app icon
  • Made MacOS pkg simpler and more compatible
  • Pen and Screen Rect tool now work in deselect mode
  • Right-clicking a gizmo no longer sends the camera to orbit the floor behind it, but orbits the gizmo itself
  • Select and Delete Keyframes do no longer work while the animation is playing
  • Timeline now collapses, expands, detaches, and reattaches properly
  • "Send to All" feature now has a confirmation popup
  • Inspector fields now check for errors taking into account the user's regional settings
  • Importing PNG as block side no longer keeps only used materials in the palette
  • Importing multiple PNGs as block sides now update the palette properly


  • Select/Translate/Rotate in Animator (1, 2, 3)
  • Previous/next frame in Animator (Left/Right arrow)
  • Previous/next keyframe in Animator (Ctrl/Cmd+Left/Right arrow)
  • Tools in Block Editor (QWERT)
  • Reset camera in Block Editor (F)
  • Toggle Long Way Rotation for selected interpolations (I)


  • Crash when deleting 10th IK constraint
  • Crash when saving a multi-layer model where the background layers have a smaller bounding box than the ones above
  • Static assets that used two materials with the same color but one being emissive now will look right ingame
  • Exporting an animation now saves the current state of the selected animation and not the one from the last save operation


  • 2D views in Modeler now update properly when charging a material
  • Clicking outside 2D views no longer affect the model in any way
  • Frame tool now shows properly in 2D views
  • Brightened darkest 2D view depth cue
  • Layer rename field now has a character limit
  • Layer buttons no longer reset to default dark color when changing layer order
  • Play button now shows Pause icon while the animation plays
  • Grid line color in Animator gets its color from the current theme
  • Zoom/Loop bar handles now gets their color from the current accent
  • Default animation is now clearly marked visually
  • Keyframe stretch bars are now visible again, and drag properly
  • Quad edge view is no longer wrongfully visible in the Animator
  • Save button in Preferences no longer closes popup
  • Shortcut input field is now wide enough for most localized key names
  • Ctrl/Cmd and Shift shortcut buttons now take their background color from the current theme, and are wide enough to show their captions properly
  • Shortcut key field now gets it's background color from the current theme
  • Templates search field now has a character limit
  • Replaced collapse/expand icons to make them clearer to the user
  • Added missing footers for detached Material and Block Side panels
  • Added many, MANY missing undo points, and many tooltips to UI components.

August 28th, 2021 - Public Beta Release


  • 20000% speed improvement when selecting many voxels at once in the Modeler.


  • Loading a VXR file now scrubs a deprecated mirrored flag from the asset.



  • UI Combo controls can now be collapsed by clicking on the combo again.


  • Big fix for Undo in some corner cases (still missing some though).
  • Importing a VOX file as a Rig no longer adds some weird keyframe data into the first frame.
  • On Syncing From MagicaVoxel, we now do our best to honor the pivot position (but keep in mind that you shouldn't change the volume size in MV).


  • Can now keep only the Layers panel attached without the Viewport overlapping it.
  • Upscaling/downscaling a model while having 2D views now updates their cameras to still view the model.
  • Using New Palette now keeps materials used in all layers.

Block Editor:

  • Ortho views and Block Faces are now labeled correctly.

June 22nd, 2021 - Public Beta Release


Sync To/From MagicaVoxel (found in Animator File menu):

  • You can Sync To MV, edit the models there, save and Sync From to get the changes back into VoxEdit.

Decorative nodes in template based assets:

  • You can now add childs to nodes in template based assets and animate them.

Autosave/Backup system:

  • Asset will save automatically every 10 minutes as a backup, which can be loaded from the Recent Files card.

Shortcut Quick Guide

  • Displays all active shortcuts in an overlay.
  • Can be opened with the keyboard button on the right side of the menu bar, or by pressing the H key.

Theming support for viewport background and grid line colors:

  • We'll have some whole UI themes on the next release.

Added a collidable flag for Animator's nodes

  • As an artist, you can now select which nodes should be collideable ingame.
  • This is not yet implemented in the Game, but your assets will be compatible once it's done.

"List style" layout for File Browser

  • Just like in any file browser, now you can choose a layout that allows you to see much more files and folders.

New things found on the Animator's Library or on its menu cards

  • "Replace", which loads VXM and VOX and replaces the model with it.
  • "Delete Unattached", which cleans up your project by deleting the models that are not attached to the rig.
  • "Export as VOX", a small shortcut to create a MagicaVoxel compatible file from a model directly in the Animator.

New Shortcuts

  • "Pan Camera" (default: SPACE)
  • "Copy Keyframes" (default: C)
  • "Open Shortcut Quick Guide" (default: H)
  • "Save as New Model" in Modeler, which makes a new model with the selected voxels.


  • Interpolation type tooltip on hover.
  • Timeline readout now also shows current frame (from 0 to 479).
  • New Animator floor grid that has subdivisions up to individual voxels and extends far into the distance.
  • New Modeler checkerboard grid that looks better and is much less performance heavy.


  • Voxel volume is now rendered better, and faster. Tool previews too.
  • UI controls now detect hover only when proper.
  • No more hovering things behind popups, contextual menus or other windows.
  • No more tooltips appearing from behind those either.
  • Visual feedback in Timeline Curves popup.
  • Currently selected interpolation curve button is now shown active, only if all selected interpolations have the same curve.
  • Displacing voxels is now more intuitive.
  • Modeler 2D views now show tool previews and better support edition.
  • Windows will now show in a background color while resizing, making for a cleaner and speedier resize.
  • Duplicate node is now selected on creation.
  • Home button is now Back button if editing a Model coming from the Animator.
  • Combo controls now collapse properly by clicking on them again (Language and collapsed Timeline panel Animation List)
  • Export to Marketplace popup animation dropdown now scrolls, and it's contents are sorted alphabetically.
  • Files in File Browser are now sorted on both Windows and MacOS.


  • ENTER and TAB keys are no longer permitted to be used for shortcut chords.
  • "Delete Keyframe" shortcut is now BACKSPACE on OSX by default.


  • Fixed very large static rigs crashing the editor when trying to export.
  • Fixed low repro issue that made rigs load broken (all models placed at the origin) in a small set of systems.
  • Fixed Camera focus.
  • The editor will now keep running in the background if an animation is playing.
  • Modeler mirrors now show all of the time and not only when utilizing the tool.
  • Pasting keyframes before cutting/copying some does not crash anymore.
  • Overwriting a VXR will now delete the overwritten folder (and it's contents) first.
  • Bad Internet connectivity no longer crashes VoxEdit.
  • Fixed Apple key symbols showing crossed boxes in the Shortcuts popup. We now show key names instead.
  • Pressing ESC while the top bar menu is active does not break the menu anymore.
  • Fixed issue with Text Field error messages appearing behind other UI controls sometimes.
  • Tutorials UI now show all of the tutorials in the YouTube playlist.
  • Window UI now adapts properly after resizing.
  • When detached, Library and Inspector UI headers now adapt their window sizes.
discord the sandbox